Machine SafetyPro – License Renewal & Support


Mobile risk assessment app

Machine SafetyPro helps you complete Risk Assessments quickly and efficiently.  Using any compatible iPhone, iPad, or Android device, you can capture photos/videos, select drop-down observations, score risk, propose risk reduction methods, and re-score the risk of the proposed system.  All this uses modern tools that support dictation, drop-down lists, relevant questions, and suggested risk reduction methods.

Includes Technical Support: Technical support via telephone or Skype for Business covering use of the application during the subscription period. Coverage is 8am to 5pm ET, Monday through Friday, excluding US Holidays and weekends. Note: This item covers the application only and excludes machine safety consulting services.

See our new updated video companion below!

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Machine SafetyPro™ – Single License: Using your mobile device, you can generate professional looking Risk Assessments and machine safety reports.  You can then print, or send to others for review, comment, and approval.  Machine SafetyPro completes Risk Assessments more efficiently, in-depth, and repeatably.  Complete machine Risk Assessments in minutes or hours instead of days.


  • Comprehensive machine safety inspection tool compliance with OSHA and US safety standards, such as ANSI B11.0, ANSI B11.19, and RIA TR15.306-2016.
  • Improves work efficiency and repeatability of results due to standard selection lists for hazards, safety devices, risk reduction methods, risk scoring, etc.
  • Moves the assessment from the conference room to the field or factory floor, allowing first hand observations, embedded photos/videos, and operator input while observing the machine.
  • Speeds the process by using modern tools such as voice dictation, suggested text, spelling correction, Bluetooth accessories, and a myriad of tools and features available to Android and iOS mobile devices.
  • Familiar mobile device interfaces, such as smartphones, tablets, and iPads.
  • Generate .pdf, print, or e-mail great looking reports directly from device. Or, submit to others for review, comment, or approval.

Machine SafetyPro allows your team to complete Risk Assessments quickly and efficiently.  No more huddling in a conference room squinting at a spreadsheet.  This mobile Risk Assessment App puts your team in the field, taking photos, observing tasks/hazards, documenting along the way.  Machine SafetyPro speeds the RA process and improves quality by guiding team members through the Risk Assessment process.

Using any compatible iPhone, iPad*, or Android device, you can capture photos/videos, select drop-down observations, score risk, propose risk reduction methods, and re-score the proposed system.  All this using modern tools that support dictation, drop-down lists, relevant questions, and suggested risk reduction methods.

Then, from your mobile device, you can generate a professional looking .pdf report, print, or send to others for review, comment, and approval.  Machine SafetyPro completes Risk Assessments more efficiently, in-depth, and repeatable.  Complete Risk Assessments in minutes or hours instead of days.

Note:  Compatible with iOS and Android devices.  iPad Pro with 9.7” screen recommended.

Includes Technical Support: Technical support via telephone or Skype for Business covering use of the application during the subscription period. Coverage is 8am to 5pm ET, Monday through Friday, excluding US Holidays and weekends. Note: This item covers the application only and excludes machine safety consulting services.


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