Risk Assessment Spreadsheets

Live Event: Open Enrollment for Machine Safety Specialists (MSS) Virtual Machine Safety and Risk Assessment Training Class. Click Here to enroll today!

ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet – Enhanced Three State

This enhanced version of our ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet clarifies risk assessment requirements for the “three states” of machine safeguarding: without safeguarding, existing safeguarding, and future safeguarding. Standard risk assessment tools only track two states, “before/after”, leaving room for ambiguity and confusion in the risk assessment process. This new “three state” tool allows you to comply with ANSI/RIA standards, and easily track all “three states” in one spreadsheet!

As the Risk Assessment team identifies tasks and hazards, this spreadsheet enables you to document all reasonably foreseeable hazards, score the initial risk (without safeguarding), existing risk (existing safeguarding), and residual risks (after future safeguarding is validated), identifying specific risk reduction measures in each state. Users of this Risk Assessment Spreadsheet typically include EHS professionals, operators, maintenance persons, managers or engineers.

This ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet is based on the latest industry safety standards.  The key advantages are:

  • Well defined criteria for Severity, Exposure, and Avoidance, in compliance with ANSI/RIA standards
  • Calculates required Category, Performance Level (PL), and determines if Control Reliability is required.
  • Includes comprehensive list of ANSI compliant hazards.

When used properly, this tool provides an ANSI/RIA compliant report that is suitable for use as machine documentation within the U.S. and for import/export of machinery.

Get ANSI/RIA Enhanced Spreadsheet

Live Event: Open Enrollment for Machine Safety Specialists (MSS) Virtual Machine Safety and Risk Assessment Training Class. Click Here to enroll today!

ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet

This ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet is based on the latest industry safety standards.  The key advantages are:

  • Provides well defined criteria for Severity, Exposure, and Avoidance, in compliance with ANSI/RIA standards
  • Calculates required Category, Performance Level (PL), and determines if Control Reliability is required.
  • Includes comprehensive list of ANSI compliant hazards.

When used properly, this tool provides an ANSI/RIA compliant report that is suitable for use as machine documentation within the U.S. and for import/export of machinery.

Get ANSI/RIA Spreadsheet

2 State RA


Live Event: Open Enrollment for Machine Safety Specialists (MSS) Virtual Machine Safety and Risk Assessment Training Class. Click Here to enroll today!

Free Risk Assessment Spreadsheet

Our Free Risk Assessment Spreadsheet provides a basic starting point for risk assessments. This is a limited and watermarked version of our Task Based Risk Assessment Spreadsheet. This free spreadsheet is not suitable for robotics or advanced applications.

We recommend using our ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheets.  When completed in compliance with ANSI B11.0, our ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheets will satisfy the requirements of ISO 12100.  These spreadsheets also include automatic determination of Circuit Category and Performance Level (PLr) in accordance with ISO-13849-1:2015.

This is a summary of the spreadsheet tools we offer and a brief description of typical applications.

  • Free Risk Assessment Spreadsheet – Limited – Introductory, limited watermarked version of our basic risk assessment spreadsheet tool.
  • Task Based Risk Assessment Spreadsheet – Unlimited spreadsheet tool, suitable for general machines, systems, or processes.
  • ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet – Unlimited spreadsheet tool, suitable for complex, modern machinery, including robotics.  Includes look-up tables for Performance Level and Circuit Category.
  • ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet – Enhanced Three State – Unlimited Enhanced version of our unlimited ANSI/RIA Compliant Risk Assessment Spreadsheet clarifies risk assessment requirements for the “three states” of machine safeguarding: without safeguarding, existing safeguarding, and future safeguarding. Standard risk assessment tools only track two states, “before/after”, leaving room for ambiguity and confusion in the risk assessment process. This new “three state” tool allows you to comply with ANSI/RIA standards, and easily track all “three states” in one spreadsheet!

The purpose of the Team Based Risk Assessment (TBRA) is to identify the human risk presented by the machine or processing being analyzed.  In a TBRA, a multi-disciplined team identifies tasks and risks associated with the machine or process.   For complex machinery or systems, our Team Based Risk Assessment is an essential process that is required to develop practical, detailed risk reduction measures.

Contact Us Today for your Free Risk Assessment Spreadsheet


Task Based Risk Assessment

Task Based Risk Assessment