An Electrical Standard for Industrial Machines

An Electrical Standard for Industrial Machines

NFPA’s scope is broad, covering not only electrical safety and wiring, but also aspects that relate to machine safeguarding. In fact, NFPA 79, Electrical Safety for Industrial Machinery, addresses many vital aspects of machine guarding. The 1997 version was virtually identical to EN 60204-1 regarding operator controls.


Control Reliability & a Need for Risk Assessment

Beginning in 2002, NFPA 79 addressed Control Reliability and the need to do a risk assessment. Safety PLC’s and Safety Controllers were approved for general industry in this standard beginning in 2002 and approvals were provided in the 2007 standard for integrated machine-drive safety systems. 

The 2012 version  incorporated additional changes that bring this standard into harmonization with IEC 60204-1. The changes were  not drastic; they provided additional guidance and definitions of requirements.

In the 2024 version of the standard, updates included guidelines for securing control systems from cyber threats, as well as revisions to the acceptable wiring methods, including new requirements for cable protection and installation practices.



E-Stops Control & Function

NFPA 79 is THE standard for E-Stop control. E-Stops just aren’t plain ol’ E-Stops anymore. According to NFPA 79, “the function of the E-Stop must be ensured.” That is a very big and important phrase. When looked at properly, most control systems designers will determine that the E-Stop circuit must be Control Reliable.

For  questions on  NFPA 79 or Emergency Stop (“E-Stop”) circuits and functions, contact us today for help.